Ever Forward Club’s Ashanti Branch is joined by Adam Rosendahl. As a creative entrepreneur and the Chief Experience Officer of Late Nite Art, Adam sees art as a means to humanize individuals and build connections. The two men discuss what it takes to maintain creativity while leading their respective organizations.

(1:33) Ashanti’s introduction.

(3:28) Adam introduces himself and his work, and then he and Ashanti share their friendship and its origins.

(9:22) Both men share the front of their masks: Adam - caring, adventurous, confident, creative; Ashanti - serious, funny, caring, hard working.

(10:09) Adam reflects on the front of his mask - how being caring can be a beautiful quality in a man, but at times he finds himself sacrificing for others at the expense of his own emotions. Adam also shares how proud he is of his work, and how it keeps him connected to his childhood qualities.

(13:15) Ashanti reflects on the front of his mask - why he has started to write “caring” on his mask every time, and what it’s like to have to oscillate between being a mentor and a boss. Adam then shares how he is similar and different when running his organization.

(17:52) Both men share the back of their masks: Adam - restless, worried, passive-aggressive; Ashanti - fear of failure, sadness, trauma.

(18:45) Adam reflects on the back of his mask - how he is working on addressing conflict head on, working on being okay with making others uncomfortable. He also shares how he is working on channeling his worries in a more loving, caring manner.

(22:05) Ashanti reflects on the back of his mask - how having one-sided interactions with individuals can be a detriment to success. He also shares an internal dissonance he has been tackling this year - how he is in the business of allowing young men to release their anger, yet he has not allowed himself to release emotions in the same way.

(33:00) The men discuss the power of developing and implementing a more specific, self-aware, emotional vocabulary.

(37:04) They discuss the balancing act that occurs when one wants to hold oneself accountable to high standards, but still needs to admit when one needs help and support to achieve these standards.

(43:00) Ashanti and Adam look back on the first day they met, at a workshop that built in time for everyone to decorate their name tags.

(47:31) Adam shares one last message about the power of saying something out loud, and how this act can release the power that insecurities and vulnerabilities may have over you.

(51:25) Learn about Adam’s current projects.


Connect with Adam Rosendahl

Website: www.lateniteart.com

Instagram:.instagram.com/adam_rosendahl & instagram.com/lateniteart

Facebook: facebook.com/lateniteart


Create your own mask anonymously at www.100kmasks.com

If you are interested in being on the Face to Face podcast, email us at [email protected]


Connect with Ashanti Branch:

Instagram: instagram.com/branchspeaks

Facebook: facebook.com/BranchSpeaks

Twitter: twitter.com/BranchSpeaks

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/ashantibranch

Email: [email protected]


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