Are you tired of asking yourself the question “what’s for dinner”? Or sometimes worse, your whole family is looking to you and asking this question. Oh the pressure, right? In this episode, Julie will give you some practical tips that will help you make a shift in this area:.


Top 7 tips:

Well stocked kitchen is key Set your kitchen up for success. What are some family favs? Keep a list of these and introduce only one new recipe per week. Get a plan. Look at your week ahead and what nights you have more time. Wash all veggies Boil eggs Rice or grains like quinoa Roast  veggies Make dressings (check out the dressings on Prep day - focus on simple things that will save time and set your week up for success Have a “breakfast for dinner” night Learn to love leftovers. Have a night called “People’s Choice”. Everyone picks from the leftovers!


Don’t try to take it on all at once. Focus on one thing each week and make progress in that area (create a habit) then build on that.


This is exactly what we will be doing in our new program called “a Natural Shift in the Kitchen with Julie.”


Who is this program for?

This membership program is for women who have a deep desire to make a change. A change that will improve their health and the health of future generations.

If you find yourself frustrated with what to feed your family, how to make it a little healthier, and how to find the time to accomplish your goals, this program is for you!


Here’s what’s included:


Foundational kitchen skills that allow you to get in and out of the kitchen quick How to set your kitchen up in the most efficient way Weekly meal plan + grocery list + tips How to develop your own meal plan with ease (if you choose) Biweekly master class on a new topic to help you take the upgrade Biweekly live dinner prep How to prep for you and your family (picky eaters) so everyone is happy! How to eat healthy on the go

Click here for more info and to get started 


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FREE resources:

Top 3 Health Habits

Upgrade your Cart – chip edition

Meal planner