On the podcast today we have our good friend, Kristen Pardue! She is married to Eric and they have 3 little boys, Owen (7), Mason (3), and Noah (11 months). They live in Franklin, TN where Kristen is a Real Food Dietitian and Presidential Diamond with doTERRA.  She has a passion for helping women not only live a healthier lifestyle but live a life of freedom in all areas.

About nine years ago, Kristen was working as a dietician and began having autoimmune issues. After going to multiple specialists she decided to take things into her own hands. A year later, Kristen was on a specific/supportive diet, using essential oils and was healed!

Some non-negotiables for Kristen include exercising 4-5 times per week, eating to prevent disease and not to lose weight, and daily Vitamin D! Kristen wishes that everyone knew that there is always hope, a quote that Kristen loves is by Bill Johnson - “Any area of our lives in which we have no hope is under the influence of a lie.”

Book- Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson

Cant Live without- Bullet Proof Coffee

Wishes that everyone knew that she cares about people so much

Favorite healthy snack- almond butter with an apple or banana


Connect with Kristen: 

Facebook: www.facebook.com/kristenpardueRD/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/kristenpardue/


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