Tiffany connects us with Cesar Espino on this week’s episode of Take The Leap. Cesar, is a real estate investor, a real estate investing mentor and consultant; and the author of the amazing book You Can Overcome Anything Even When The World Says No.

Tiffany shares, “If you haven't read Caesars book you absolutely need to get it, it is blowing my mind, what he endured growing up. He was born in Mexico City to a poor family with just his mom and his grandma there in the beginning. He lived in a small shack with dirt floors, no dad, in a society of poverty, where having a life of no hope seems to be the norm. He was smuggled into the US, now a fully legal citizen, but smuggled into the US and had to endure seeing some pretty horrendous things on that journey, learn how to speak English, and adapt to a new way of living. When he was growing up he started working from the age of 5 and from that point forward Caesar had to adjust to life and create his own path. As an adult he's worked for numerous companies in corporate America and is now a full-time entrepreneur in various businesses. The major focuses for him are personal development, building relationships, helping others, and growing numerous businesses.”

Listen to the full podcast to hear Cesar’s full story!

Want to connect more with Cesar?

You can connect with Cesar at:
Email: [email protected]
Website: C2 Real Estate Investments, LLC