Keep On Keeping On

I had the honor of attending the 6th Annual March Forth awards dinner. This was my first year in attendance and it was an amazing night. Photo World I go through life day by day and I try to do my best in business, in my relationships with family and friends, and make the right decisions in Every situation I am in. Am I a model citizen for all of you? Most likely no... I'm just a normal guy. However I find myself taking so much for granted. There are so many others out there who have it worse than I do and I still find it so easy to complain about the areas of my life that make me unhappy. My guess is you could easily say the same thing or close to it. This post nor this episode are about how we should feel bad for passing by the rest of the world while we deal with all that goes on in our own lives... No this episode is a reminder that we can do something about it. The keynote speaker for this years March Forth awards dinner was, twin brother of Ashton Kutcher, Michael Kutcher. His story was inspiring to say the least and got me thinking about how I could impact the world around me for the better.

Please take a few minutes to listen to this episode. It is brief but I think it is helpful and I still find a way to tie this all back into running a small business. Happy Shooting!

Book: How We Roll; 2 friends, 1 wheelchair and a lifetime of lessons in perseverance


Happy Shooting!

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