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Whats In My Bag part 11

Nikon has been on a role for the past 4-5 years. It seem like they are able to out do the last camera by a 75% increase of awesomeness over the previous. I have to say the fourth and final camera in my bag is a beast and an amazing addition to my setup. The Nikon D810 is a mind blowing 36 megapixels of clean 12,800 ISO with a solid weather sealed build hosting a comfortable fit that makes you feel at home. The ISO isn't as clean as the Nikon D4, D4s, or D5 but you have more than double the resolution of the D4 and D4s sitting at 16 megapixels. I know the vertical grip was great on the D4 I had (frown face) so I made sure to make up that problem with adding the grip to this D810. As a bonus with the vertical grip you can squeeze a few more frames per second out of it. I grew a custom to the 11 frames per second on the Nikon D4 but the D810 hovers around 4.5-5fps... that grip pushes you to almost 8fps. I can live with that; especially as a wedding photographer. I tendt to under shoot most other wedding photographers anyway. What could I really do with 8fps anyway.

I LOVE THIS CAMERA!- I feel like this is the camera to help me get over the loss of my Nikon D4

Happy Shooting!

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