Previous Episode: Pen to Paper Episode Three

Song titles and included lines and phrases are often the starting point for popular fiction  and in this episode I’m going to be exploring the connections between stories, poetry and song lyrics. And have you thought by using a song title for a ‘prompt’, you would never be lost getting the creative juices flowing! 
There's a song I demoed for Dorset poet John Hobbs entitled ‘In 2 Today’ and  I'll be reading article I wrote on Bob Dylan inspired by a Bridgend U3A Writer’s Group prompt and another story, inspired by a real golden oldie, George Formby’s ‘With My Little Stick of Blackpool Rock’, my entry from Bridgend Writers Circle’s Railton Competition back in 2016, followed by Bridie Banwell's monologue entitled 'The Gallery'.
I'll close with an extract from a song I wrote which is all about the experience my dog Busby had when performing for Britain’s’ Got Talent.