How the EFF do you PRIORITIZE your to-do list?!

Well, that's exactly what we're going over today on the TAKE BACK YOUR DAMN LIFE podcast! In fact, we're going to be talking ALL about a super simple tool for prioritizing your to-do list! A tool that's actually included in every single one of my TAKE BACK YOUR TIME planners...

In today's episode, we'll talk through...

👉🏻What a decision-priority matrix is...

👉🏻When to use it...

👉🏻How to set it up...

👉🏻How to use it to divide up your to-do list and tasks...

👉🏻And, last but not least, HOW TO USE IT to PRIORITIZE your tasks...AND cut out the tasks that DON'T even BELONG on your to-do list...

I even made a little BONUS training video to accompany this episode and I am SO pumped for it!! Check it out below!

For show notes, head to and, of course, if you have any questions or want to connect, head on over to @coachellyn on Instagram.


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