"In 12-step programs, there is a term: 13th stepping. It’s not an official part of the AA program but rather a colloquial term for when someone with more than a year of sober time hits on a person with less than a year. And it can be perilous. Says Melody Anderson, a therapist who specializes in addiction and once ran the Friends and Family program at Hazelden, “It creates a differing power ratio where someone is gaining power over someone who is weaker, and it can endanger both of their sobriety. The one thing I always want people to realize is this is not a gender thing. All sexes and gender preferences can be predators.” Join the Monty'man, Bruce H. and Roger M. as they look into the issues surrounding the many facets of Step Thirteen. It can be more involved than you think. We close out the show with Michale Purington's song "New-Comers In Love".