ABOUT THIS SHOW: Hands Across the Bridge is an annual event held every year during September, (National Recovery Month). Across the world the recovery community meets to celebrate recovery from addiction and mental health challenges and to remember those we have lost. It's a time when thousands gather across their local bridges to honor fallen loved ones and to support those currently in recovery and encourage those who may need recovery. Take 12 Recovery Radio is proud to be a sponsor for the Salem, Oregon event and to interview the men and women who participated in today’s celebration. This show includes an interview with our state legislator, Mr. Mike Marshall from www.OregonRecovers.org

This event is brought to you by the Marion/Polk Peer Coalition.
Special Thanks to: ROCC, The Recovery Outreach Community Center

APOLOGIES: Our interview with Lorretta C. was deleted by accident, but we want you to know how much we appreciate all you and your team do for the recovery community here in our State’s capital, Salem, Oregon.