Have you ever thought about self-publishing a cocktail book or cookbook but don't know where to begin? Well, today's guest is here to help!

Martina Jackson is a professional photographer, food blogger, and founder of Drea & Co. - a lifestyle platform. She recently added the title of self-published author to her resume with her first cocktail book: After Hours. Martina’s joy for life is at the forefront of her work and woven throughout every cocktail recipe and project that she touches. Whether it’s home styling tips or food and beverage adventures, Martina seeks to face every day with a light heart and a dash of luxury.

In this episode, Martina shares her journey in self-publishing and how this passion project helped her evolve and cultivate new skills as a creative and entrepreneur. In the Table Topic, Martina gives her considerations and tips for embarking on your own self-publishing journey.

Learn more about Martina Jackson, Drea & Co., and purchase her phenomenal cocktail book below:

Website: dreaandcompany.com
For Purchase: After Hours Cocktail Book
Instagram: @martina.drea | @dreaandcohome  
Facebook: /martina.dreaandco | /dreaandcohome

Mentioned by Martina Jackson in this episode:

Tanisha Pinex (Photographer)
Cliff Canon (Photographer)
BLK and Bold Specialty Beverages