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Tabernacle Baptist Church

299 episodes - English - Latest episode: 10 months ago - ★★★★ - 4 ratings

We are a biblically rooted church, that wants to help you overcome life's emptiness through a deeper relationship with Christ and a connection to a family that care. Experience Family with us in Ennis, TX.

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“Find a Spiritual Mentor” A House Divided: Week 12 (1 Corinthians 4:14-20)

November 26, 2018 00:00 - 38 minutes - 35.5 MB

1 Corinthians 4 / November 25th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray ** We can’t get to where we want to be in our spiritual lives alone. If we want to grow, we not only have to find a mentor to invest in us, but we also have to find a person to invest into as a mentor. Message Notes: 1. Look For A Spiritual Mentor (1 Corinthians 4:14-16) 2. Practice Multiplication and Welcome Accountability (1 Corinthians 4:17-20)

“False Sense of Security” A House Divided: Week 11 (1 Corinthians 4:6-13)

November 19, 2018 00:00 - 43 minutes - 39.3 MB

We sometimes think about how hard we work, how much we have, or where we are in life and rank ourselves against others. In a culture that is more divided than ever, you don’t have to buy into this lifestyle. The moment you tell yourself “I’m better than…” you begin to live a life contrary to scripture. Message Notes: 1. Let Grace Replace Your False Sense of Superiority with Humble Gratitude (v. 7-9) 2. What is seen as Worldly Weakness can Often Be Christian Strength (v. 9-13)

“Servants and Stewards” A House Divided: Week 10 (1 Corinthians 4:1-5)

November 12, 2018 00:00 - 37 minutes - 34.3 MB

1 Corinthians 4:1-5 / November 11th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray ** Public opinion is becoming increasingly important, sometimes outweighing actual facts. Some people put more importance on their social media presence than they do their real-life character. As Christians, we’re called to live for Christ - even when it conflicts with the values of those around us. Message Notes: 1. Follow Jesus as a Faithful Servant and Steward (v. 1-2) - Exclusive Ownership - Complete Submission - Total Dependence...

“We Are The Temple of God” A House Divided: Week 9 (1 Corinthians 3:16-23)

November 05, 2018 00:00 - 35 minutes - 32.7 MB

1 Corinthians 3:16-23 / November 4th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray ** The Old Testament Temple was a place you went to. The New Testament Temple is who you are. Today, believers must be more intentional than ever to bring unity to the church rather than division. Message Notes: 1. We Are the Temple of God (1 Cor. 3:16-17) 2. Stop Being Deceived by Human Wisdom and Become a Fool for God (1 Cor. 3:18-20) 3. Stop Boasting in Men (1 Cor. 3:21-23)

“Built to Last” A House Divided: Week 8 (1 Corinthians 3:10-15)

October 29, 2018 00:00 - 35 minutes - 32.2 MB

1 Corinthians 3:10-15 / October 28th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray **Our Ellis County soil is pretty bad for builders. If you live in the area you know that a good foundation almost always leads to cracks in your home’s walls. If you’re home is built with a bad foundation, you’re going to have major issues. If the foundation is bad, a homeowner might spend a of time and money on hiding the cracks, but they will always come back. As a church, our foundation must be on the truths of Jesus found in scr...

“God Wants Willing Workers, not Carnal Christians” A House Divided: Week 7 (1 Corinthians 3:1-9)

October 22, 2018 00:00 - 38 minutes - 35.6 MB

1 Corinthians 3:1-9 / October 21st, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray ** Even a baby doesn’t want to stay a baby. Babies don’t learn to walk and then stay sitting the rest of their lives. Sometimes in our faith, we begin a relationship with Jesus, then sit back down. At best, this is an indication of immature christians who live for worst, it is an indication that the person has not truly accepted Christ. So what are the signs and how can we make sure we are willing workers and not carnal...

“The Mystery of the Word and the Work of the Spirit” A House Divided: Week 6 (1 Corinthians 2:6-16)

October 15, 2018 00:00 - 48 minutes - 44.3 MB

1 Corinthians 2:6-16 / October 14th, 2018 / Kody Alvarez This passage can be one of two things for the Church. It can be a battle cry, or a eulogy. The churches that rely on the wisdom of God to go out into the world will stay passionate and close to the heart of the Great Commission, but churches that try to impress people into faith will slowly fade away. Sermon Notes: 1. The Holy Spirit of God Reveals the Wisdom of God 2. The Holy Spirit of God Brings Understanding 3. The Holy Spirit O...

“Don’t Wow the Crowd” A House Divided: Week 5 (1 Corinthians 2:1-5)

October 07, 2018 00:00 - 36 minutes - 33.8 MB

1 Corinthians 2 / October 7th, 2018 / Jeff Stapleton The problem is, in an attempt to be relevant and wow the crowd, we can easily fall into idolatry. We make wowing the crowd our goal. We make our image the goal. We make ourselves the most important thing. When you do this in relation to others, its selfish. But When you do this in relation to God, the stakes are much - much higher. Sermon Notes: 1. Make the Message of Jesus Central to Your Life 2. Share Your Faith Regularly 3. Let God ...

“Take a Long Hard Look” A House Divided: Week 4 (1 Corinthians 1:26-31)

October 01, 2018 01:00 - 38 minutes - 35.3 MB

1 Corinthians 1 / September 30th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray God uses our weakness to reveal His strength so we don’t depend on ourselves but instead trust in Christ. 1. Take a Long Hard Look at Yourself (1 Corinthians 1:26-29) 2. Take a Long Hard Look at Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:30-31)

“The Foolish Wisdom of the Cross” A House Divided: Week 3 (1 Corinthians 1:18-24)

September 24, 2018 00:00 - 38 minutes - 35 MB

1 Corinthians 1 / September 23rd, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray In the first century world, a savior who died on a cross was not an easy thing to trust. The Jews expected a military leader who would overthrow Rome. The Roman world couldn’t understand how death meant victory, and certainly didn’t believe the resurrection. For those who don’t follow God, the premise of Jesus saving the world on a cross is not easily understood or believed. What does the cross mean to you? Message Notes: 1. Is the Cro...

"Draw Near, Hold Fast, Stir Up" Hebrews 10:19-25 - Dr David L. Allen

September 17, 2018 00:00 - 51 minutes - 47.3 MB

What would it look like if we prayed "Lord, do anything in me you need to do in order to do everything through me you want to do"? We need to approach God with more confident boldness, but we don't always know how. This week, Dr. David L. Allen guides us through Hebrews 10:19-25 as we discuss this very topic.

“Seek Unity, Not Division” A House Divided: Week 2 (1 Corinthians 1:10-17)

September 10, 2018 00:00 - 44 minutes - 40.7 MB

1 Corinthians 1 / September 9th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray * Although the church at Corinth was young and on fire, they were quickly fading and didn’t even realize it. There is danger of death when distractions become fractions in the church, but a Gospel focus brings unity. Sermon Notes: 1. Paul’s 3-Part Exhortation for Unity (1 Corinthians 1:10) 2. Avoid Personality Worship (1 Corinthians 1:11-13) 3. Unity Prevents Distraction and Promotes Gospel Proclamation (1 Corinthians 1:13-17)

“Starting Strong” A House Divided: Week 1 (1 Corinthians 1:1-9)

September 05, 2018 00:00 - 38 minutes - 35.1 MB

1 Corinthians 1 / September 2nd, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray *This week, we start off with the life of Edgar Allan Poe. He was a world-famous poet and a literary genius. Despite being “on top of the world,” a series of events led him to despair, drugs, and alcohol. After being found unconscious on the streets of Baltimore, he died 4 days later. The church in Corinth was in danger of following a similar path. When Paul founded their church, they were strong in their faith and understanding of the G...

“Marriage: Together for the Gospel” Ephesians 5:21-32

August 27, 2018 00:00 - 45 minutes - 42 MB

Ephesians 5 / August 26th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray**The Bible says that wives should submit to their husbands. Often, we have a hard time reading past that single sentence. We think submission and we think oppression or even abuse. This is not the kind of submission scripture talks about. This week, we look at how our singleness or marriages can be a great picture to the world of the love God has for us as a picture of the Gospel. Message Notes: 1. Wives Respect your Husbands (Ephesians 5:21-2...

“Redemption and Restoration” Ruth: Week 5 (Ruth 4)

August 20, 2018 00:00 - 37 minutes - 34.8 MB

Boaz seeks redemption and restores Elimelech’s family name. In Christ we have been redeemed and this is for the purpose of complete restoration. Message Notes: 1. Boaz Seeks to Redeem (Ruth 4:1-14) 2. Redemption and Restoration (Ruth 4:14-15) 3. Restoration and Racial Implications (Ruth 4:1-22)

“Lasting Righteousness Not Temporary Pleasure” Ruth: Week 4 (Ruth 3:1-18)

August 13, 2018 00:00 - 40 minutes - 37.4 MB

Ruth 3 / August 12th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray Last week, reported about a shocking event by college football players. A store owner was reviewing camera footage to find out why some of her merchandise and money were missing. She expected to find footage of her employees wrongdoings, but instead saw athletes approach an unattended register, leave the payment for their items on the counter. Concerned that the store may have been unintentionally left open, the players went next door and ...

“Under the Shadow of His Wings” Ruth: Week 2 (Ruth 2:1-13)

August 06, 2018 00:00 - 42 minutes - 39.3 MB

Ruth 2 / July 29th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray Do you have anybody in your life whose integrity is unquestioned? We live in a world of private personal devices, the relative anonymity of the internet, and increasingly open standards of morality. In Chapter Two, Ruth and Boaz emerge as beacons of integrity and humility. They didn't get there on their own effort. This week, we talk about how we can rely on God and begin to model these qualities in our own lives. Sermon Notes: 1. Live with Integri...

“Hesed and Providence” Ruth: Week 3 (Ruth 2:14-23)

August 06, 2018 00:00 - 46 minutes - 42.7 MB

Ruth 2 / August 5th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray “Hesed” is a Hebrew word that means “kindness.” This week, we see God’s Hesed on display in different ways. See how Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz all experienced Hesed and how you can experience it as well. Message Notes: 1. Naomi: God’s Hesed and Hidden Hand of Providence 2. Ruth: Hesed on Display 3. Boaz: Hesed in the Redeemer

“Providence in Pain” Ruth: Week 1 (Ruth 1:1-22)

July 23, 2018 00:00 - 45 minutes - 41.7 MB

Have you ever been through such a painful experience that you become blinded to God’s blessings? Sometimes our blessings take the form of an opportunity or position, spouse or child. At the beginning of the book of Ruth, we are told of two different women - Naomi and Ruth - affected by the same tragedy. One woman is blinded to God’s blessings and the other seeks Him out despite the circumstances. Message Notes: 1. Don't Buy the Lie from Pain that God is Not Sovereign. 2. Don’t Let Pain Blin...

“Keep Your Eyes on Jesus” (John 21:20-25)

July 15, 2018 00:00 - 41 minutes - 37.7 MB

We sometimes find ourselves doing something we know isn’t entirely healthy...Comparing ourselves and our blessings to others. Don’t fall into this trap! True joy and contentment come when we keep our eyes on one thing, Jesus. 1. Jesus is Worthy (John 21:24-25) 2.Keep your Focus on Jesus and Stop Comparing Yourself to Others (John 21:20-23)

“Breakfast With Jesus” (John 21:1-19)

July 08, 2018 00:00 - 42 minutes - 38.7 MB

John 21 / July 8th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray Apart from jesus, we can do nothing. But, as His followers we share the good news, care for His sheep, and follow Him unto death. Apart From Jesus We can do nothing (John 21:1-8) As Shepherds... We Care for His Sheep (John 21: 9-18) As Disciples... We Follow Him (John 21:19)

“Say No to Unbelief and Yes to Faith in Jesus” (John 20:24-31)

July 02, 2018 00:00 - 38 minutes - 35.4 MB

John 20 / July 1st, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray *All of us live by faith. We either have faith in Jesus Christ, His atoning death, His resurrection and His powerful ability to satisfy... or we have faith in ourselves and our ability to figure life out and our mind and our ability to achieve happiness. One will get you to where you want to go and one will leave you wanting. Message Points: 1) Don’t Be a Twin to Doubting Thomas (John 20:24-28) 2) Be Blessed by Knowing that Believing is Seeing (v. 2...

“The Peace, Power and Path” (John 20:19-23)

June 24, 2018 00:00 - 38 minutes - 35.5 MB

John 20 / June 24th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray We all want to enjoy financial peace. We often enjoy the empowering feeling of success from our careers. The problem is that these things are temporary and sometimes out of our control. What if we released our grip on our view of peace and power and focused on living on the path Christ lays before you? Receive the Peace that Only Jesus can Give (John 20:19 & 21) Follow the Path that Jesus Traveled (John 20:21) Rely on the Power of the Holy Spirit (...

“Seek Him and Be Found” (John 20:11-18)

June 18, 2018 00:00 - 36 minutes - 33.7 MB

John 20 / June 17th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray When the resurrected Jesus appeared to a grieving Mary, things were never the same.

“Laodicea: Repent & Reign” Revelation: Week 9 (Revelation 3:14-22)

June 11, 2018 00:00 - 45 minutes - 41.4 MB

Revelation 3 / June 10th, 2018 / Kody Alvarez The Laodicean church was wealthy, proud, and independent. They were an economic powerhouse in their region and enjoyed doing things their own way. Their own self-reliance led them to take their faith into their own hands, often seeking God’s approval, not God’s will. Today, many American Christians do the same thing. What does it take to be spit out of the mouth of God?

“Philadelphia - Blessings Bestowed” Revelation: Week 8 (Revelation 3:7-13)

June 04, 2018 00:00 - 42 minutes - 38.8 MB

Revelation 3 / June 3rd, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray The church in Philadelphia was the gateway to the East. There was a lot of influence in that city, but there were a lot of problems for the early Christians. They were marginalized, yet they thrived. If these marginalized believers kept their faith, how can we keep ours today?

“Wake Up and Remember Christ” Revelation: Week 7 (Revelation 3:1-6)

May 30, 2018 00:00 - 39 minutes - 36.3 MB

Revelation 3 / May 27th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray This church in Sardis looked alive on the outside, but they were actually dying. This is a great danger in churches today. Famous Pastor and theologian John Gill said that if the accusation of being alive in name but spiritually dead, were true of any church it was of the church in his day. If John Gill thought this over 150 years ago... what would he think today?

“Seduced by Jezebel” Revelation: Week 6 (Revelation 2:18-28)

May 21, 2018 00:00 - 39 minutes - 27.3 MB

Revelation 2 / May 20th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray When you begin to slowly compromise your beliefs and actions, your foundation begins to shift a little. Left unchecked, those compromises will compound and you will find yourself in a different place than you ever believed you’d be. The church in Thyatira was doing many great things, but they had tried to blend their faith with the faith of others, leaving them far from God.

“Living for Christ with Satan Next Door” Revelation: Week 5 (Revelation 2:12-17)

May 14, 2018 00:00 - 41 minutes - 28.9 MB

Revelation 2 / May 13th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray ** In today’s culture, Christians have to navigate a world that lives life very differently than those in Christ. Many people try to live to please God and the world. Pergamum was a first-century church in Revelation that was struggling with the same thing.

“Deacons: A Call to Serve” (Acts 6:1-8)

May 07, 2018 00:00 - 38 minutes - 35.7 MB

Acts 6 / May 6th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray **In many churches, Deacons are the ones who make all the major decisions in and for a church. At Tabernacle, our deacons serve a very different purpose, serving. Sure, some of our deacons are on teams that make decisions in the church...but their greatest value is in their care ministry. This week, Pastor Todd discusses the qualifications for deacons at Tabernacle.

“A Call to Continue” Revelation: Week 4 (Revelation 2:8-11)

April 30, 2018 00:00 - 36 minutes - 33.1 MB

Revelation 2 / April 29th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray The believers in Smyrna were being persecuted for their faith and knew more persecution was coming. Their obedience cost them everything. When it looked the bleakest, they needed to be fueled by the reminder that Jesus accomplished his victory on the cross and that his ultimate Victory was still on the way.

“First Love” Revelation: Week 3 (Revelation 2:1-7)

April 23, 2018 00:00 - 45 minutes - 62.2 MB

Revelation 2 / April 22nd, 2018 / Mike Sellers The church in Ephesus was once working in unity, with love, for one another and for God. By the time John writes down his revelation from God, things have changed. The Ephesians have begun to stray from the love they once had. This week, Mike shares 10 indicators you, too, might be straying from loving God and offers reminders about how we can grow that love once again.

“Christ Exalted” Revelation: Week 2 (Revelation 1:7-20)

April 16, 2018 00:00 - 43 minutes - 39.8 MB

Revelation 1 / April 15th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray At the beginning of John’s revelation, he begins to show us a picture of the Exalted Christ. This image of Christ was powerful enough to leave John cowering before the Son of Man. Why don’t we ever approach Jesus like this? We don’t often have a proper image of the Exalted Christ because we don’t look at the picture in scripture.

“The Purpose of Revelation” Revelation: Week 1 (Revelation 1:1-8)

April 08, 2018 00:00 - 43 minutes - 40 MB

Revelation 1 / April 8th, 2018 / Dr. Todd Gray Revelation is a book that causes the imagination to run wild. Written with vivid imagery, its easy to get caught up in symbols presented. God did not write Revelation so we could ignore it all together, nor did he write it to be the primary source of our Biblical knowledge. So what is the point of Revelation?

“The Empty Tomb” The Passion: Week 8 (John 20:1-10)

April 04, 2018 00:00 - 33 minutes - 46 MB

John 20 / April 1st, 2018 / Todd Gray ** The first accounts of Jesus’ resurrection come from the least likely sources. Many of these sources had every reason to deny the resurrection. Other sources could have been easily discredited. Yet, 2000 years later, we still talk about Jesus’ resurrection. This is the conclusion of “The Passion” series.

“Step Into the Light” The Passion: Week 7 (John 19:38-42)

March 26, 2018 00:00 - 41 minutes - 37.9 MB

John 19 / March 25th, 2018 / Todd Gray ** Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea were secret followers of Jesus until the moment of Jesus’ death. Their actions in securing proper burial for Jesus were bold and grand acts that told the world who they followed. When people think of you, what kind of faith would they say you have?

“For Love’s Sake” The Passion: Week 6 (John 19:28-37)

March 20, 2018 00:00 - 42 minutes - 38.7 MB

John 19 / March 18th, 2018 / Kody Alvarez ** What would you do for love? How far would you go for love? Would you look like a fool for love? For love Jesus, the King, was made to look like a fool. For love, Jesus was hung on a cross.

“The Cross” The Passion: Week 5 (John 19:17-30)

March 15, 2018 00:00 - 43 minutes - 59.4 MB

John 19 / March 11th, 2018 / Todd Gray ** As we complete the crucifixion story this week, it is so important that we use all the we know to humble ourselves and give ourselves over to Christ. If we consider the brutal methods in which he suffered, the cup of God’s wrath that was poured out on him for us, the prophecies fulfilled, and the knowledge that His sacrifice is what gives us salvation today…then we would never celebrate Easter the same again.

“By His Wounds” The Passion: Week 4 (John 19:1-16)

March 05, 2018 00:00 - 36 minutes - 33.7 MB

Despite finding no fault with Jesus over a series of 6 trials, Jesus is condemned to die on a cross. He was brutally beaten and mocked. May the Passion of Christ this week give you the gift of seeing sin as bad as you dwell on His brutalized body and Spirit. May Pilate’s example help you to Focus your mind on eternal things that last instead of earthly things that distract and will fade.

“What is Truth?” The Passion: Week 3 (John 18:28-40)

February 26, 2018 00:00 - 35 minutes - 32.4 MB

We live in a world that struggles with absolute truth. What “feels” true for one person might not “feel” true for another. When Jesus appeared before Pilate, everybody had a different version of who Jesus was and what He did. This week, Pastor Todd talks about truth and where we can find absolute truth.

“Trial and Denial” The Passion: Week 2 (John 18:12-27)

February 20, 2018 18:10 - 38 minutes - 35.4 MB

Sometimes we let our failures in life define who we are. Peter’s biggest failure was denying Jesus following His arrest. But instead of becoming that failure, Peter lived in the light of the Resurrection and clung to Christ.

“Christ Betrayed” The Passion: Week 1 (John 18:1-11)

February 12, 2018 00:00 - 29 minutes - 40.7 MB

Do you feel like you are being pressed from all sides? Do you feel like the wheels of life are spinning out of control? Maybe God wants you to spin. Maybe God is trying to get your attention. Try trusting in His plan and let the King of the Universe guide your steps.

“Pray Psalm 23” The Battle Plan: Week 5 (Psalm 23)

February 05, 2018 00:00 - 37 minutes - 34.8 MB

Psalm 23 / February 4th, 2018 / Todd Gray ** Psalm 23 is a beautiful song to God where David describes how he follows God as the Good Shepherd and trusts Him as the eternal father. Even though this psalm was written thousands of years ago, we can pray the same prayer today.

“Pray for Protection” The Battle Plan: Week 4 (Matthew 6:13)

January 29, 2018 00:00 - 34 minutes - 31.2 MB

Matthew 6 / January 28th, 2018 / Todd Gray Life can sometimes feel like we are stumbling through a dark minefield. Although prayer won’t always take those mines away, it will become a light to help us navigate through our circumstances.

“Pray for Provision & Reconciliation” The Battle Plan: Week 3 (Matthew 6:11-12)

January 22, 2018 00:00 - 39 minutes - 36.3 MB

Matthew 6 / January 21st, 2018 / Todd Gray Just like we all have physical needs, we have spiritual needs. Prayer is our spiritual supply line to God. If we have a strong supply line through prayer, we have a stronger relationship with God. This week, Pastor Todd talks about the importance of having our needs met and how forgiving others can have a huge impact on your life.

“Give God Glory & Praise His Will” The Battle Plan: Week 2 (Matthew 6:9-10)

January 14, 2018 00:00 - 37 minutes - 34 MB

Matthew 6 / January 14th, 2018 / Todd Gray Many of us have the “Lord’s Prayer” memorized, but we sometimes get confused or forget what we’re actually praying. Praying God’s will on Earth means asking God to unleash His desires upon our lives. When He does reveal His will, we then need to pray for the courage to carry it out. 1. God is Personal, Powerful and Worthy of Praise (Matthew 6:9) 2. Pray God’s Will to Be Done (Matt 6:10)

“Proper Prayer” The Battle Plan: Week 1 (Matthew 6:5-8)

January 07, 2018 00:00 - 43 minutes - 39.8 MB

Matthew 6 / January 7th, 2018 / Todd Gray Prayer, in general, or praying with consistency is something that most people have struggled with in their life. We often let the fear of failure in prayer stop us from ever starting. As long as we view prayer as simply a way to ask things of God, we’ll struggle. Matthew 6 helps reframe the purpose of prayer for us. When we understand the purpose of prayer is building a relationship, it gets much easier.

“Jesus’ Prayer” Prayer: Week 0 (John 17)

January 02, 2018 00:00 - 42 minutes - 38.7 MB

John 17 / December 31st, 2017 / Todd Gray *Have you ever struggled with knowing how to pray? John 17 gives an example of Jesus showing his disciples how to pray. His example includes giving God glory, praying for His Church, Unity among believers, balance with the world, and for victory. This message is not officially part of the Prayer Series but is serving as an introduction message.

“The Gift of Overcoming” The Gift: Week 4 (John 16:25-33)

December 28, 2017 00:00 - 30 minutes - 42.2 MB

John 16:25-33 / December 24th, 2017 / Todd Gray ** The world tells you that you’ll never be free. That the trials and addictions are too much. If this is what you believe, then be encouraged. Jesus overcame the world. He can restore any relationship in your life. Think about it. If Jesus reconciled the whole planet, then He can restore any broken thing in any relationship in your life, if you would believe it. This is why Christmas is so amazing..because Jesus has overcome the world and so ...


A House Divided
12 Episodes
The Christmas Story
6 Episodes
The Power of One
1 Episode