In this week's episode we introduce our merchandise…or as they say, “merch”!  And on this merch you can have any LUNSB topic turned into whatever you want!  We talk about one-night stands, whore-offs, making cream puffs and whoopi pies!  We also give a geography lesson in addition to our normal facts portion of the show! 
 Challenge of the week:  Follow Chef Christina’s recipe and show us how it worked out!

Shameless Plug:  #faulknercadillac
 Celebrity name drops:  Roy Wood Jr.
 Question of the Week:  What was the one place that you went to that was the most everything for you? 
 In our magic mirror this week we see:  Jim, Betty, Will, Stormi, Teagan, Ricky, Cayetano, Dwight, the twins, Stevie, Linda, Isaac, Joe, Tyler, Jill, Stacey, Tysha, Ben, Ern, the CornDog Millionaire Steve, Madison, Margarete, Tasha, Jack, Will, Romie, and BIG DILL PICKLE!
 Enjoy! LUNSB!
 #LUNSBwithtboneandchickbrew #LUNSB

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It's the LUNSB Show with T-Bone and ChickBrew!