This week David had the pleasure of being joined by Omar Isuf.


Omar is a successful fitness entrepreneur who transitioned from a personal trainer to a full-time YouTuber, with a current following of approximately 600,000 subscribers. Omar provides evidence-based content for his followers and regularly collaborates with world-leading experts. Omar used his influence to launch his own apparel company, Raskol apparel. 


David and Omar discuss:


Topic 1: Building a social media brand   Q1. How vital has honesty and moral integrity been to the success of Omar's brand?   Q2. What are the key attributes to building a successful social media brand?   Q3.  What key analytics/elements that are important to monitor?   Q4. How do you encourage interaction with a fan-base?    Q5. What are the 3 key pieces of advice for people looking to grow their YouTube following?   Q6. What is the best way to deal with negative or even personal attacks on social media?    Topic 2: Networking    Q7.   How valuable have collaborations been to the continued growth of Omar's brand?      Topic 3:  The supplement industry   Q8. What impact does the supplement industry have on people? What are some of the underhanded techniques employed by the supplement industry?   For full shownotes: