Various footage of Swinburne Technical College from 1954 to 1955. The film opens with Swinburne's preparations for the Queen's visit in 1954. Film shows Swinburne Marching Girls rehearsing on campus; rehearsals at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), 'Marshalling for the Display', 'Boys House Swimming Sports at Glenferrie pool (1954)', 'Visit to Maroondah Dam and Timber Top', 'The Timber Top Bathing Pool', 'Football Final - 1955', 'College Staff in Support', 'Mr Tait as Goal Umpire', 'The Second Half' 'Three Quarter Time', 'The Last Quarter', 'Swinburne receives the Cup' 'Returning triumphant', 'Junior Girls Art Display', 'More Football', 'Wrestling' and more football. Film digitised by Dennis Nicholson (Swinburne Dept. of Film and Animation) in April 2020. Please note that video has no sound.