Footage of Mr Tylee's funeral. Mr. A. F. (Tom) Tylee died on 24 July 1966 in his seventeenth year as Director of Swinburne. The film commences with Swinburne students lining Burwood Road (Hawthorn) to watch the funeral procession. Film then moves to Mr. Tylee's office where his secretary can be seen typing and looking mournful.
Film then moves to Trinity Presbyterian Church on Riversdale Road in Camberwell where the service was held. Film concludes with the burial service at Burwood Cemetery.

"Mr. A. F. Tylee, who died recently during his seventeenth year as Director of Swinburne, was a man of wide interests. A civil engineer by profession, he was equally interested in the physical sciences, the social sciences and the arts. He travelled extensively throughout Australia, and wrote articles on Australian history and geography for many newspapers and journals. He was closely in touch with developments in Australian educational administration, both tertiary and sub-tertiary, and had written articles on education and taken part in educational conferences. Not long before his death he was elected as a Fellow of the Australian College of Education, a body of leading educationists. At Swinburne, he was a unifying influence on the college, and was concerned to foster the development of all branches of learning. When Social Science was introduced into technical diploma courses several years ago, Mr. Tylee established the "A. F. Tylee Prize in Social Science" which he donated annually to the best student in social science classes. At the time of his death he was giving thought to the possible establishment of a full-length Diploma of Humanities (or Liberal Arts) at the College. Mr. Tylee was also interested in the fine arts, and he frequently spent an afternoon painting in a studio at our Art School. It was there that he posed a couple of years ago for a portrait by Mr. A. Moore, of the Art School staff." Tribute taken from the 1966 "Swinopsis" a review of technology and sociology. Published by the Students' Representative Council, Swinburne Senior Technical College, Melbourne. Please note that this video has no sound. 16 mm colour film digitised by Dennis W. Nicholson (Audio Visual Production Manager) from the Swinburne Department of Film and Animation in April 2020.