Marin Todorov and Florent Pillet, two of the four authors of Ray Wenderlich's RxSwift book, join John to talk about Rx, reactive programming, debugging, learning new technologies and much more.

Marin Todorov and Florent Pillet, two of the four authors of Ray Wenderlich's RxSwift book, join John to talk about Rx, reactive programming, debugging, learning new technologies and much more.

LinksMarin on Twitter: @icanzilbFlorent on Twitter: @fpilletJohn on Twitter: @johnsundellRay Wenderlich's RxSwift bookRxSwift on GitHubRxSwift documentation on GitHubRxSwift example app on GitHubAdam Borek’s blogDebugging - RxSwift documentationNSLogger on GitHubList of apps using RxSwift - AppSightReactiveCocoa on GitHubMarin’s website: underplot.comIntro and outro music by Dariusz Dziuk

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