Diane Brunette of ADhD & Sexuality Solutions and Happiness Expert Samia Bano have an enlightening conversation that will help you gain a better understanding of ADHD, and learn fun and easy solutions to "wake up" and use your ADHD brain in the very best ways. Plus learn about how Diane went from being a missionary to an ADhD & Sexuality coach!

Access the Feelings Wheel Diane refers to in the interview here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mWYXdm3fJ7yQsGIyZzArFBRKzTyh5Omu/view?usp=sharing
To learn more about Diane and how she can help you, visit: www.dianedelina.com

To learn more about Samia and how she can help you, visit: www.MakeChangeFunAndEasy.com