Lorien Gamaroff is the founder/CEO of Centbee, a blockchain-based remittance solution built on the Bitcoin SV blockchain. He also founded Bankymoon, a blockchain and cryptocurrency consultancy.

As Africa’s reputable Blockchain expert,  he has addressed and advised the United Nations, IMF, World Bank, FBI, and Commonwealth Secretariat, the South African Reserve Bank, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, TEDx and a host of professionals in multiple industries and attorney generals throughout the world. 


Lorien has been on the show before on episode #116 where we discussed the Bitcoin vs Bitcoin SV debate, we also covered his early beginnings. In this new episode we discuss:


Centbee  Bitcoin and government Why he’s convinced Craig Wright is the creator of Bitcoin Cypherpunks and Bitcoin personalities(Nick Szabo, Adam Buck, Peter McCormack) Why Bitcoin SV is a better chain

You Can visit CentBee:https://www.centbee.com/

You can Follow Lorien on Twitter @gamaroff


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