Next Episode: The Paula G Show

Thank you for tuning into the hottest talk radio show out "the Conversation" hosted by Klarque Garrison and Michele Gilliam Morrissey! Each week we look to provide you with guests that will inspire, motivate and educate you our LOYAL listeners! Tonight our guests are... my former Co-hosts!!!

Kimberly Morrison- If it weren't for Kim this show would have never been. We get to chat with the woman who helped me create the show and ultimately the Station!

Gail Toliver- Gail was my 2nd co-host and helped me ligitmize the show bringing aboard her musical background contacts and more!

Marcia Dore- Marcia was a spot co-host who added class to the joint!

Michele Gilliam-Morrissey- my current and longstanding co-host Michele took my show to the next level in providing invaluable insight, knowlege and continuity to our program.

I get to chat with all 4 ladies on 1 show! What else could be better!?