Tomorrow on Gay’s PSA, I will have Tara Robinson in the air with me. Tara has had first-hand experiences with heart disease. In 2014, she was shocked to find herself on a cold operating table, surrounded by strangers telling her everything would be okay.  After dying that day, spending six days in recovery (three in ICU), to finally finding out she had a disease that required healthier eating habits, having access to healthy grocery stores everywhere she goes was vital to her survival. Surviving three heart attacks over three days, at a reasonably young age, Tara learned that heart disease knows no skin color, no age, and nobody type. It was at this point that she also learned that African-American women die at a higher rate from heart disease than any other race of women or men combined. Through working with the American Heart Association, she discovered some of the proponents of this deadly disease that is significantly affecting communities of color due to inadequate access to healthier food options and struggles to lead active lifestyles. The knowledge that Tara gained lead her to start a non-profit organization, Black Heart Association, where they focus on educating minority women about the disproportionate, adverse effects of this disease on our community in comparison to others. Numerous international, national, and regional media outlets like ABC News, Yahoo News, have documented her near-death experiences. Tomorrow’s show is going to be one that you will not want to miss.