Oula Jääskeläinen was led by his passion when he left home and flew across the Atlantic ocean by himself being only 14 years of age. Passion makes people to do brave things and this passion for Oula was figure skating. Oula is still fullfilling his passion and continues his life on skates. Like for many athletes also for Oula life as a skater wasn't always so easy and it's amazing that there's no bitternes when he talks about situations when he was cut from the Olympics twice without any real reason. I believe this attitude has carried him to the right places during his life. When we had this conversation his positivity and genuine kindness came to my living room through the lines even he was 15 000 km away in Capetown. I'm positive you will get a very good vibe when listening this talk where we find out how Oula made it to the Olympics, how he became a professional skater and what is he doing now in Cape Town South Africa.