Tom Brunberg is a man who was brave enough to start building his life to make it really enjoyable. His story is a good example that we don’t need fancy cars and enormous apartments to be happy. On the contrary many times less is more when you focus on the right details. Tom was a pretty shy kid who played computer games and didn’t do much physical activities and now he is doing lot of different extreme sports and writing his own blog. Listen to his story and you’ll find out how he changed his lifestyle. 

0:01 Trailer

01:00 Start

How much does the weather effect on Tom’s life both physically and mentallyWhy does he live in warmer countries during winter

04:20 Couple of jobs that had a huge impact on his life for good

Why is one email so important in the whole background story

09:18 How did he get involved with action sports

How did new hobby skydiving changed his life

12:08 Skydiving vs Scuba diving

13:28 How important it is to challenge yourself both mentally and physically 

Why ?

15:42 Managing stress

17:42 Loosing the track of time in the sky, on water and below surface

20:25 Talking about fun in life

21:55 Planning to do 50 different sports during the year 2018

Why did he challenge himself to do 50 different activitiesWhy is he behind the schedule

26:05 Most difficult sport so far

What might make situations dangerousWhat kind of an impact an injury with seven fractures had on him

31:50 Message for people who are afraid to try extreme sports

34:00 How has he been able to change his way of living

Self learned website creatorNot being afraid to try and experience new fields

37:38 What are others thinking about this style of living

39:01 Eliminating lot of expenses in order to continue this lifestyle

Freedom of choice Do we need a bigger car to fell good 

41:29 Tom’s values

43:15 Discipline equals freedom

43:54 Redbull 400 

- What kind of a race is that

Why did he participateHow did he pull through the raceFeelings during and after the race

49:00 Plans for the future

Tom’s inner Super Hero

50:50 You can achieve anything mindset! 

Enjoying the ride

53:30 Last questions

What makes him feel downWhat makes him happy