Let's drop some band names: Hollywood Vampires, Ace Frehley, The Cult, Owl The Band 

Chris Wyse has been a bass player in all the bands mentioned above and some other projects as well. He is a passionate and intense bass player who finds his strength in tranquility. 

He is definitely not a rock star with health or mental problems. Instead of messing his head with alcohol and drugs Chris is finding inner peace by studying and staying in the present.

Chris does yoga three times a week and reads books like The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle and Power of Positive Thinking by  Dr Norman Vincent. 

No more words needed to describe his mindset, just watch the episode and then you'll understand and there's a great change to learn from Chris as well. 

We had our conversation just before the Hollywood Vampires show on backstage in rock festival so there's some background noise. Please don't let the audio quality disturb you too much, there's really great content on this talk!