This is a special announcement: Our online course is about to launch. 

It's called, 'Kickstart Performance Skills' and is aimed at undergraduate and masters students in sports and exercise aiming to work as a professional in sports and performance.

The course launches on 7th October 2019, when I’m hosting a live webinar at 7pm GMT to show you the course content with live Q&A and provide you with an exclusive discount. Sign up now to find out more

The realities of working in the sports and performance industry means there is a strong possibility that students are exposed, ill-equipped or at best unable to thrive when entering the world of work.  

I've observed that across first year undergraduates entering into sports based degrees 50 to 75% of students want to work in sports and at a high level (85% of our webinar attendees do too). However, from the tens of thousands of graduates applying for jobs we estimate that 0.03% are equipped to work in that environment. So few people applying for jobs are work ready.

In a nutshell the vocational skills gap is widening. Survey data from shows that ¾ of industry professionals see the widening, yet ¾ of academics think it’s closing. Something isn’t right if 50-75% of young people start their studies wanting to work in sports and performance, yet such a small percentage, less than 0.1%, are skilled.

Universities are just not set up to develop the skill of working in sports and yet 90% of our webinar attendees expect universities to get them work ready. This issue has motivated me to write the letter to 15000, How to Support a Champion, but people are asking for more. We've had 2500 attendances on the webinar programme earlier in the year and it has motivated us to spend the summer developing the course.

There’s one simple aim of this course;

'To support students with an ambition to work in sports and performance to increase the chances of them having a successful career, by developing the skills necessary to thrive in work - while they’re studying.'

What does the course look like?

Online course that you can progress through on your desktop or on the teachable app
30 bitesized modules broken into 4 core themes of prioritsed insights of what it takes to be successful
12 follow-up worksheets with practical steps for you to grow your abilities
An e-copy of How to Support A Champion
All informed with the experience of supporting 1000s of athletes and developing 1000s of performance professionals


Course highlights

Creating your future

How people are making a difference by supporting athletes and teams
Your current status and work prospects in sport and performance
Why your university education is unlikely to equip you for working in sport and performance
The importance of craft skills

Working in sports and performance

Case study example 1
The demand of working in sports performance environments
The transferability of craft skills to other professions
Developing your performance focus and taking action

Critical craft skills

Case study example 2
The determinants of your performance
Priority professional skills
How to grow your abilities

Thriving in work and your studies

Reflective practice
Developing your professional skills
Being effective in your studies

So students, we’re really excited about sharing this course with you, we’re committed to helping you bridge the gap before you graduate. So take a look at the details on 

The course launches on 7th October, when I’m hosting a live webinar at 7pm GMT to show you the course content with live Q&A and provide you with an exclusive discount.

So sign up and I’ll look forward to connecting with you on the webinar.

This is a special announcement: Our online course is about to launch. 

It's called, 'Kickstart Performance Skills' and is aimed at undergraduate and masters students in sports and exercise aiming to work as a professional in sports and performance.

The course launches on 7th October 2019, when I’m hosting a live webinar at 7pm GMT to show you the course content with live Q&A and provide you with an exclusive discount. Sign up now to find out more

The realities of working in the sports and performance industry means there is a strong possibility that students are exposed, ill-equipped or at best unable to thrive when entering the world of work.  

I've observed that across first year undergraduates entering into sports based degrees 50 to 75% of students want to work in sports and at a high level (85% of our webinar attendees do too). However, from the tens of thousands of graduates applying for jobs we estimate that 0.03% are equipped to work in that environment. So few people applying for jobs are work ready.

In a nutshell the vocational skills gap is widening. Survey data from shows that ¾ of industry professionals see the widening, yet ¾ of academics think it’s closing. Something isn’t right if 50-75% of young people start their studies wanting to work in sports and performance, yet such a small percentage, less than 0.1%, are skilled.

Universities are just not set up to develop the skill of working in sports and yet 90% of our webinar attendees expect universities to get them work ready. This issue has motivated me to write the letter to 15000, How to Support a Champion, but people are asking for more. We've had 2500 attendances on the webinar programme earlier in the year and it has motivated us to spend the summer developing the course.

There’s one simple aim of this course;

'To support students with an ambition to work in sports and performance to increase the chances of them having a successful career, by developing the skills necessary to thrive in work - while they’re studying.'

What does the course look like?

Online course that you can progress through on your desktop or on the teachable app
30 bitesized modules broken into 4 core themes of prioritsed insights of what it takes to be successful
12 follow-up worksheets with practical steps for you to grow your abilities
An e-copy of How to Support A Champion
All informed with the experience of supporting 1000s of athletes and developing 1000s of performance professionals


Course highlights

Creating your future

How people are making a difference by supporting athletes and teams
Your current status and work prospects in sport and performance
Why your university education is unlikely to equip you for working in sport and performance
The importance of craft skills

Working in sports and performance

Case study example 1
The demand of working in sports performance environments
The transferability of craft skills to other professions
Developing your performance focus and taking action

Critical craft skills

Case study example 2
The determinants of your performance
Priority professional skills
How to grow your abilities

Thriving in work and your studies

Reflective practice
Developing your professional skills
Being effective in your studies

So students, we’re really excited about sharing this course with you, we’re committed to helping you bridge the gap before you graduate. So take a look at the details on 

The course launches on 7th October, when I’m hosting a live webinar at 7pm GMT to show you the course content with live Q&A and provide you with an exclusive discount.

So sign up and I’ll look forward to connecting with you on the webinar.