Next Episode: 124 - Legacy of Lack

Here's your chance to jump on or GTFO.

While a main purpose of this time together is to have some fun and wash off some of the grime of having a family and just life in general. There is a greater purpose here.

MEDIOCRITY is killing us.

Wake up and be real. No more filters, no "perfect life" on facebook, no competing among the other parents for the best snacks, but we need to be reminded that it's perfectly great to be authentically you. Refilling your cup and therefore passing that power of authenticity to our kids as well.

Because right now. Our kids are getting sicker and sicker - life expectancy is actually dropping and childhood cancer is getting more and more prevalent. We are more obese than ever before, more in debt, and more in depressed.

Whether you coach with me or someone else, or you listen here and run with it yourself - we are talking about getting REAL results. I want you to look back a year from now and really be amazed with yourself.

I want you to feel compelled to share this message by sharing my podcast, my coaching, or better yet, take this message and be empowered to start your own movement. That's how we save this world and save our kids.

Yes, I'm going to sell to you later. I'm going to give you chances to level up with me, but for now:


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Thank You!

~Coach Nick