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Business Lesson Today

But really it applies across the board.  As a spouse, parent, coworker, or business owner.

Because we're constantly selling, selling ourselves and our wants.  I have to sell my kids on using manners, on going to bed.  I have to sell my wife on sex or what to eat or what to do.  I have to sell my team on a vision or idea.

The list goes on and on.  But what you really need to identify is looking at what you're actually selling.

Main Points You could claim to sell jewelry but if you can identify what that jewelry actually represents, think about how much more effective you can be as a salesperson. For example, insurance.  You're actually selling peace of mind.  Or for them not to even worry about losing everything. A teacher sells freedom.  Freedom to express one's self or even freedom from control and the freedom to learn anything they want once they learn how to learn. I sell my kids unconditional love and safety.  I am not there to entertain them.  I am not there to be their friend, but their mentor and parent.

When you re-frame, you gain clarity for you and for your "client" and your impact will deepen and expand.

Action Steps White Belt: What roles do you have in your life?  Write them out and clarify your role with each.  Parent, spouse, teammate, boss, healer? Black Belt:  Piece of paper, draw a line down the middle.  On the left, list what your role is and what you initially think you sell.  On the right, re-frame what you're selling.  Level up and really dig deep and piece this out. Ex:  Coach.  I sell results.   Turns to:  I am not giving anyone results.  I sell time and money by saving people time by giving them systems and feedback to fast forward their progress.

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~Coach Nick