Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with Avery Morrow, an author who provides the first English translation of secret Japanese writings.   
In his groundbreaking book Avery translates four suppressed and secret texts to discover the deeper truths beneath Japanese mythology.

Do the Emperors have non Earthly origins? Do these ancient texts parallel the sacred spiritual science of Japan’s Golden Age with ancient India, Europe, and Egypt? 

In Japan there are roughly two dozen secret manuscripts originally dating back to the paleolithic era, the age of heroes and gods, that have been handed down by the ruling families for centuries. Rejected by orthodox Japanese scholars and never before translated into English, these documents speak of primeval alphabets, lost languages, forgotten technologies, and the sacred spiritual science. Some even refer to UFOs, Atlantis, and Jesus coming to Japan.

Tune in to hear this very exciting and controversial information FIRST on Supernatural Girlz Radio.