It's now legal to hack your DRM under very specific circumstances. Also, Apple releases some stuff and it's the usual mix of solid product updates and excessively high "fashion-brand" prices.

It's now legal to hack your DRM under very specific circumstances. Also, Apple releases some stuff and it's the usual mix of solid product updates and excessively high "fashion-brand" prices.

Links for this episode:

In Groundbreaking Decision, Feds Say Hacking DRM to Fix Your Electronics Is Legal
Motherboard: "The new exemptions are a major win for the right to repair movement and give consumers wide latitude to legally repair the devices they own."
New Russian Media Venture Wants to Wage ‘Information War’ in Washington, D.C.
The Daily Beast: "USA Really launched with a goal of stopping disinformation about Russia. A video it ran features an American flag and a Confederate flag alongside a MAGA poster of Donald Trump."