Previous Episode: 110: Active Data Collection
Next Episode: 112: ARMR

This week on Supercharged we’re talking about two-factor authentication on LinkedIn, WWDC, and what people are! Questions/comments/tips? Visit or call/text 509-AWKWARD. Special guest: Alan Henry (Lifehacker)

This week on Supercharged we’re talking about two-factor authentication on LinkedIn, WWDC, and what people are! Questions/comments/tips? Visit or call/text 509-AWKWARD. Special guest: Alan Henry (Lifehacker)

Links for this episode:

Mark Zuckerberg’s Twitter and Pinterest accounts hacked, LinkedIn password dump likely to blame
Facebook cofounder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg understandably has accounts on other social networks – it only makes sense to keep tabs on what the competition is up to. But that doesn’t mean he bothers to maintain standard security practices on non-Facebook properties. This weekend, his Twitter and Pinterest accounts were hacked. The group responsible, OurMine Team, also claimed to have gained access to his zuck Instagram account, though we were not able to independently verify this (Update: See below, his Instagram was not accessed).
MCX Ends CurrentC Beta Test, Postpones All Further Releases
The Merchant Consortium Exchange, aka MCX, today told beta testers that it is suspending its CurrentC beta test on June 28 and postponing all further releases of the payments platform.
Instagram's Reordered Timeline Is Rolling Out to Everyone Now
A few months ago, much to the dismay of the internet’s content creators, Instagram announced a plan to reorder your timeline with an algorithm similar to Facebook’s news feed. Now, they’re actually doing it.
Apple Announces Major App Store Changes Including New Subscription Terms and Search Ads
Apple's Phil Schiller recently sat down with several publications including The Loop and The Verge to detail some of the changes that are going to be made to the App Store under his reign, including major improvements to search, subscription access for all developers, App Store ads when searching for content, and some other smaller tweaks that should go a long way towards improving app discoverability.
No 5K Thunderbolt Display With Integrated GPU Coming at WWDC
Earlier this week, rumors and speculation suggested Apple was working on a 5K Thunderbolt Display with an integrated GPU that could potentially debut at the upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference, but new information from iMore suggests that is not the case.
Apple Again References 'MacOS', This Time on Developer Website
Because iOS, watchOS, and tvOS all share a common naming scheme, there's been some speculation that OS X, the operating system for Macs, could see a name change to "MacOS" at this year's Worldwide Developers Conference.
Apple Has Fully Embraced Technological Anorexia and It Needs to Stop
Apple has created some amazing products and incited great change in the tech industry over the years, but their narrow focused has more recently resulted in anorexic, crippled products that favor simplicity over possibility. This behavior demonstrates their unpleasant vision for their future, and I don’t think I want to be a part of it anymore.

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