TikTok business in the U.S. is taking off and we sit down with TikTok's Senior Director Garland Hill to learn more. Specifically, we get insights into how Small Businesses and Fortune 500 companies are using TikTok Marketing and TikTok Advertising to dramatically increase brand awareness and sales.


Garland Hill Bio

Garland Hill wants to usher brands into the world of mobile adverAsing. As a seasoned markeAng professional, he helps global adverAsers reach consumers using TikTok’s burgeoning adverAsing plaoorm. Prior to joining TikTok, Garland led mulAple teams focused on a broad spectrum of CPG and Retail clients for Facebook. Before that he ran Global Product MarkeAng at Bazaarvoice, a NASDAQ listed SaaS technology company. AddiAonally, Garland spent five years at General Mills, as a tradiAonal brand marketer managing P&L’s across iconic brands such as Pillsbury, Green Giant and Progresso. He started his career in technology as a consultant at Accenture, helping his clients usher in a new digital era. While his career has been steady in its upward climb, Garland is also a pro at downhill skiing. He lives in Austin with his wife, two daughters, and their dog Rose


Erik Qualman Bio

5x Best Selling Author and Motivational Speaker Erik Qualman has performed in over 55 countries and reached 35 million people. His Socialnomics work has been on 60 Minutes to the Wall Street Journal and used by the National Guard to NASA. His book Digital Leader propelled him to be voted the 2nd Most Likeable Author in the World behind Harry Potter's J.K. Rowling.


Have Erik speak at your conference: [email protected] 

Learn more at: https://equalman.com/