This season of The Flash had to overcome a lot. The last season ended early due to Covid and that meant losing 3-4 episodes of this season to wrap that up. Then there was the fact that they shot this season in the middle of a pandemic which brings a ton of new set of restrictions and problems to overcome. We say all that to say that while this season definitely had it's issues, considering everything it had to overcome, they did a pretty good job of wrapping everything up. The end of the season really slimmed down to focus on the most important things (seems like some of the Forces just weren't that important). We also get the return of Jay (John Wesley Shipp is really a great Jay Garrick) and some really great moments with Bart & Nora. And of course we get the return of Thawne. All in all, we appreciated what they did with this season considering the circumstances. We look forward to season 8 and hopefully a full, uninterrupted season.
Kriss and Dpalm record the Mailbag at the end of every month. If you want to send in your own questions and thoughts, email us: [email protected]

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