We're doubling up on the reviews since we missed a week. We're reviewing episodes 9 & 10 and both are filled with the mix of ridiculousness and serious character introspection we've come to expect from Legends of Tomorrow.

 Nate is still the greatest. 100% on the Nate train
Gus Gus might be discount Beebo but he's still adorable...until he grows into an angsty teen sasquatch
We get some good character development on Behrad in episode 9 and also a return of OG Zari
Episode 10 is Spooner's best episode and a pattern is emerging where she's best right now when paired with the other oddball members of the team
We should have seen Mick being pregnant. Of course this show would do that
John's once again gone down the dark side and it's going to be a problem for everyone

Kriss and Dpalm record the Mailbag at the end of every month. If you want to send in your own questions and thoughts, email us: [email protected]

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