Like most well-meaning adults in today's world, the events of the past several weeks and months have been extremely challenging for me. This past weekend, however, was the worst of them all. 

It all started with Mr. Blake's shooting. I knew better than to watch the news. While I did not watch the actual video (I can't), I couldn't help catching a glimpse of the CNN reporter talking about his ordeal and the inhumane way he was treated at the hospital! 

Right away, I started hurting inside for him. 

What if he had been my son?

Would this be his fate?

Shoot, arrest, detain, and shackle?

What is going on here??

Either way, one thing led to another, and before I knew it, the waterworks filled everywhere!

Then came the final straw for the eldest son was profiled and had the police called on him by an elderly White male in Boston, MA for simply being Black!

Let's just say, I am doing a lot better now. The outpouring of love from everyone has been mindblowing.  

So, thank you all again.

Upcoming events: TEDx talk on 9/5/2020 YIPEEEE!!  Get your tickets here...

It will be virtual, but I shall be live on the red carpet in Houston!!

I have other exciting things coming up, please listen and find out what they are!

Don't forget to subscribe and share and of course, leave me a review!

Talking about reviews, have you heard about my latest book? It has managed to garner 50, yes fifty 5 STAR reviews on Amazon and yours is missing :) 

Here is the link to get your copy, while it is still only $2.99 for the ebook, the paperback is $9.99, the price will go up to its permanent home of $12.99 soon :) 

Not only do I ask that you please purchase a copy, please leave a review and share the info with someone!

Many thanks!

Dr. L


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