In this episode which I publish on my birthday week (yay! welcome to 51!), I am essentially appealing to you my audience.

I start by talking briefly about the 9yr old Australian boy who was bullied (to the horror of moms and dads on the internet). The little fella who was so anguished, he was asking his mother for a knife to kill himself. It is bad enough that he was bullied to the point of feeling suicidal, but for the internet to spread rumors about it being a lie is worse. It shows how insensitive we still are to the entire bullying phenomenon. But heaven forbid that he does kill himself, we shall all be quick to send "thoughts and prayers".

I talk about leaning in and tuning in to the right radio frequency of our kids in order to talk, which will lead to understanding them better and to communicate easier. This, to me honestly is the key to connecting to our teens and hopefully setting the stage for a decrease in teen suicides. 

Most kids are so anxious now about everything from bullying, to Covid, to yelling parents at home, to schoolwork and everything else in between, so eliminating stress at home is paramount to helping nurture them and thus opening the doors to communication. After all, wouldn't any parent's ultimate wish be that their kids come to them before hurting themselves?? If so, what are we doing when the going is good to encourage that?

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did recording it.

Do check out my online class on parenting without yelling as well as autographed copies of my parenting and teen suicide awareness books if you are looking for something fun to do this Spring.

Al see you on the internet...


Dr. L


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