In this episode, we discuss five ways self-care can make you more money as an entrepreneur and creative professional.
5 Ways Self-Care Can Make You More Money
#1: Take inspired action
The only way that you’re actually going to make money doing what you love, is by doing it! One of the biggest hindrances to building a profitable business is by being paralyzed by fear and never getting started or by starting and then stopping the moment you hit a road bump. The way to get over this business building block is by building up your accountability, both to you self and to your team.
Self-care Tip: Awaken the Power of Accountability
The way to transform your vision, dreams, plans, and strategies, into a real life manifestation and accomplish your goals, is by holding yourself and your team accountable. Be accountable to show up for yourself, to think out of the box, to take risks, to learn from your mistakes, to not be afraid to fail, and to make sure that you surround yourself by people who are really there to support you and to cut dead weight when needed.
At the end of the day, the only person responsible for your success is yourself, so you have to take accountability and responsibility for your actions and decisions, and most importantly, for how you spend your time.
5 Ways How to Take Inspired Action:
1. Meditate
2. Journal + Goal setting
3. Research others
4. Seek guidance but trust your gut
5. Test and gather data, then course correct
If you haven’t already, be sure to pick-up a copy of Sugar Pills: 10 Days to Awaken Your Inner Power on Amazon, here:
Or grab it on Amazon Kindle, here:
You can also enjoy all of my favorite things to get your joy back with my “Self-Care Starter Kit,” here:
For more on practical self-care:
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