What this podcast contains

Discussed in this Episode:

This Weeks Podcast is an interview with the Joan Shanahan:

Joan has been involved in education all her life and experienced from early childhood to tertiary. She finally worked as a consultant in 24 schools in northern NSW before moving to the Sunshine Coast and establishing her business Behaviour Solutions 247. She brings to this Podcast over 20 years of experience in developing transition plans for students moving from primary to secondary school.

✅ When to Start Transition
✅ How Long should you do Transition
✅ Must Do for successful Transition
✅ Ideal to Do as part of Planning
✅ Extra Ideas to support Transition
✅ What do to if Transition wasn’t Successful
✅ Plus information on Vaping, Catching the Bus and more

More Tips and Information from Joan Shanahan https://behavioursolutions.wixsite.com/australia/home

Read more about this podcast in the show notes found via the link below


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