Trigger Warning: This Podcast and Blog covers content on depression and may be sensitive to some listeners/readers

Disclaimer: I am not a Psychologist and highly recommend you do seek help from a Psychologist for students or your children if this podcast brings up any concerns.

Discussed in this episode

Depression and Autism One in three autistic adolescents has the signs of clinical depression. Understanding the signs of depression in autistic teens is the first step to improving their quality of life. Personally, I am seeing this in younger children, especially as a result of COVID-19.

What is a depression attack:

“An implosion of despair and hopelessness with an intense need to end it all right then and there“
– Dr Tony Attwood

Discussed in this Podcast
✅ What Signs to Look out For
✅ What can we do?
✅ Excerpt from Q&A with Dean Beadle – Lived experience of Depressive Meltdown
✅ Fabulous resources I have found helpful when trying to understand what Depressive Meltdowns are and What to do to.

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