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I have had many parents and educators requesting resources and tips for teens and young adults. I agree it is hard to find information and resources for how to guide and support this age group. I am thrilled to find a resource whose aim is “to increase the odds that your child grows into an adult with a rewarding, meaningful life” (xiii). Dr Temple Grandin and Dr Debra Moore.

Sue share her top 10 tips to increasing success for teens and adults.

Find a mentor. Be your kid's couch or find one for them. Adults (parents and mentors) must take the lead or it will not just happen (this is everything from learning independent living skills to a career). Help to set realistic goals and provide support to figure out how to achieve those goals. Start small – slowly introduce new ideas and experiences. Give them clear start dates and deadlines to complete each step. Start early and build up skills that will endure. Just do it. Magic can happen when you introduce them to new things. Stretch them out of their comfort zones Stay strong – don’t let your child’s fears and setbacks detract from continuing to plan and take action.

Read the extensive blog post about these tips and the Temple Grandin Movie here: