Join Dr. Jolene Church, renowned executive coach, business strategist, and founder of the Coach Certification Institute, as she explores the multifaceted concept of competition in both our personal lives and the business world.

In this enlightening episode, Dr. Church dives deep into the nature of competition, unraveling its double-edged sword. From sparking motivation to breeding envy and resentment, she reveals how competition shapes our lives. Reflecting on a poignant quote, "Comparison is the thief of joy," Dr. Church challenges listeners to examine their own competitive drives.

Here's what you'll learn:

Personal Impacts of Competition: Understanding how competition fuels ambition but can also erode self-worth. Business Competition Insights: How a 'win-at-all-costs' mindset might hinder innovation and foster unethical practices. Embracing Collaboration: Strategies for fostering a culture of collaboration, mutual respect, and abundance in both personal and professional life.

Dr. Church concludes with powerful strategies to transform the way we perceive competition. By embracing abundance, focusing on collaboration, and celebrating our unique strengths, we can redefine success on our terms.

If you're ready to break free from the constraints of unnecessary competition and step into a mindset of abundance, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in and let Dr. Church guide you through the maze of life and business, lighting your path to success. Stay successful, and Namaste!