ST43: Stephen Interviews David Di Giorgio


Davide Di Giorgio is a TEDx Speaker Coach, Founder of the Unapologetic Speakers' Membership Community, and Creator of the Speaker Experience at Sea. As a longtime theater producer, creator, educator, and audacious entrepreneur he takes an UNAPOLOGETIC approach to speaker coaching that shatters the mold of following formulas and blueprints, and has made him the go-to creative expert for on-purpose entrepreneurs and business owners who want to go from being unheard and uncertain to UNFORGETTABLE and UNSTOPPABLE speakers and leaders of their own tribe!

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Stephen Interviews Davide Di Giorgio

In this episode Stephen interviews Davide Di Giorgio, going through his life Davide has always been very entrepreneurial. Starting in high school selling cakes and cookies, then moving to theatre and teaching. Although Davide’s parents weren’t entrepreneurial, he says he has always been an entrepreneur. Having this spirit has given him the push to leave his normal job and become an entrepreneur. Davide is originally from Canada, visited on a band trip when he was 16 and decided he was going to live here one day. After he moved to San Diego Davide didn’t have many connections at all. He started going to entrepreneurial events, after a while of going to these events he realized that there weren’t a lot of people who knew how to speak in front of crowds. Now he likes to work with people who have a bigger picture then just making money. The main thing he looks to teach people is to be your true self when you are speaking. Unapologetic basically means don’t apologize for who you are and how you speak. Davide doesn’t care if people identify as a speaker, because everyone is speaker from the day they are born. When people speak and believe what they say, they move people, and that’s what Davide wants people to realize. Now Davide has grown his business to have everything from workshops, a small investment community for help, speaker cruises, all they way to his mastermind that has a waiting list. Davids biggest challenge starting as an entrepreneur, is the community, weather it be not having anyone, or having people who say they are you community but they aren’t. The best thing to remember is that you aren’t for everyonr, and you may not need a community of 7 million, maybe just 700. Davide’s best advice is going to be tell everyone what you are doing, and stay in constant action.