I have enthusiastically developed a passion for hospitality and entertainment management through invaluable job experiences with amusement parks, movie theaters, restaurants, and hotels. A majority of my past work history involves running movie theaters on the East Coast where I happily led multiple teams for over 10 years.  


With the goal of running my own business in the entertainment and hospitality field, I received my Masters degree from the University of Florida's Recreation, Parks, and Tourism program with a Certificate in Tourism and Hospitality Management.  


I am ecstatic to say I am now pursuing my lifelong passion of starting a business that focuses on providing social entertainment at fun events. Switchboard Games was created to offer unique opportunities for folks to effortlessly meet new people while playing board games or creating art on vertical surfaces.  


I am truly excited to be in a position where I have a business idea I am passionate about, the ability to follow this dream, and the privilege of becoming an entrepreneur in San Diego!


