- Stephen runs his mastermind group even other Tuesday

- Members are business people who want to make a change and gain massive success

- Name is Stegela Success Mastery Success Circle

- Currently 31 people in the group and family oriented

- People sometimes go through depression and their family is trying to kill their dream. Everyone is doubting them

- Stephen and Angela have felt feelings of doubt and have questioned themselves and their capabilities

- Everyone see the success and nice things, but doesn’t see the journey

- Stephen and Angela have felt the same way and even came close to divorce because of the struggles

- Everyone sees them as a power couple, but there is always a struggle

- Entrepreneurship is an up and down roller coaster and people start to question if they are meant to do what they are doing

- People think entrepreneurship is sexy and full of freedom right form the start, until reality kicks in and the bills start coming in

- Entrepreneurship is more than a fantasy of lavish life and time freedom

- We don’t sleep in. We sleep later and wake up earlier just so we can get back on the grind to achieve our goals and dreams

- Success is not automatic.

- Entrepreneurship is the same with everyone; “I’m not this, not that, I’m not moving fast enough.”

- Entrepreneurship requires you to recognize insanity. “Doing something over and over again expecting different results.”

- Sometimes you need to change things around and find what works best. That’s when coaching comes into play.

- There is also a level of patience and endurance sometimes

- Sometimes people aren’t working on right activities, not trusting the process, and not listening to coaching advice

- Being unwilling to learn more and be humble and face reality, you will never grow as truly reach success.

- If you have shoes, an iPod, etc you are apart of the top 1% Richest people in the world.

- Success is a mindset. It’s a decision you make in your mind. “You know what, I am successful.”

- What process are you going through?

- What journey are you going through?

- Get wise council about your business/idea and adjustments must be made sometimes.

- You and I have to have the mentality of success so we are ready and able to take advice, to keep on fighting, and to not give up.


- “We become entrepreneurs to stop working 40 hours for someone else, just so we can work 90 hours working for ourselves. Our own dreams.”

- “Entrepreneurs jump off the cliff and build the plane on the way down.”

- "You can’t call yourself and entrepreneur unless you are ready to take risks.”

- “Entrepreneurship is not a destination. It is a journey. A process. True entrepreneurs Constantly growing and always want more. Not greediness, but more of the abundance thinking.”

- “If the business is not building you, then you are not building a business.”

- "Entrepreneurship and success is all about personal development and growing you as a person.”

- "If you an entrepreneur, understand. It is not a destination of success. It is a journey of success. You must love the journey. You must love the process.”

- “I’m going to hustle hard, get mentorship from wise council, etc in the mindset of success."

- “When you make the ‘I am successful’ commitment, you start to see things with a whole new mindset.”