Summary: Andria Schultz has had a passion for the entertainment industry since she was 8 years old when she approached Sherry Lansing (Extreme Makeover) who would become her mentor two years later. From that point forward, Andria has pushed her passion and career upwards with multiple opportunities working with Disney, Paramount Pictures, Fox, NCIS, and many more. Now Andria teaches millennials how to break into the entertainment industry and how to build a network that has value and purpose to your passion. Join us as Andria shares her story on how she became one of the most influential women in the entertainment industry and how she can help you!


- Andria is outside the box thinking in the education realm

- Goal to be CO of Disney

- Helps entrepreneurs break into the entertainment industry

- Quote: "If you don’t know what you want to become, how are people going to take you seriously"

- Been fascinated with the entertainment industry since 8 years old.

- Age 8 went to the church and met Constance Ramos (Extreme Makeover) and learned rejection at an early age from her. “Come back in a few years"

- When someone says no, “comeback with fire.”

- 2 years later went up to the same person and was taken in as a mentee. “Now you are ready."

- Learned how to build her network and find the right mentor and find the right jobs because of Constance Ramos

- Worked with multiple companies including Americas Funniest Home Videos, NCIS, Warner bros, Disney Channel, etc because of her mentor.

- Received a great deal of experience on the business side working within the film industry.

- Program called “Network Smart with Andria Schultz"

- Wake up call was while working for Disney. “If I became the CO of Disney, would I be completely satisfied. Took a vacation to Canada to rediscover herself and what she wanted to truly do."

- That’s when she discovered her passion for helping people.

- Why not teach others how to talk to celebrities and professionals the way she does

- Helps people figure out what they want to do and then help with them get there.

- Grew up with an entrepreneur mindset since 8. Would go door knocking and hand out business pamphlets to teach kids to type on computers

- Had her own tv show “Your Family Matters” at 21 years old

- Wanted to emulate Sherry Lansing CEO of Paramount Pictures and Fox

- Always been in love with the movie making process

- Tom Bergeron, one of her mentors. Pushed her to be more in front of the camera to host. Now she is interviewing celebrities and professionals behind the scenes.

- If you know and understand every job in production, you are much more valuable to the industry

- Learned more networking skills from Constance Ramos that “All you gotta do is ask.”

- Bold enough to ask for a job at Disney. Ended up going on sets and learned how to communicate effectively with other people.

- Learned how to build relationships and bring value to the relationships.

- Sometimes life carries you on a path you weren’t expecting to take. Sometimes there's a lesson in there that's needed to be learned though.

- Biggest Tip: “Don’t be afraid of rejection.”

- In hollywood youre gonna get rejected a lot. Ask them specifically “what do you want?” And they will tell you.


Contact Info: If you are looking to get into the entertainment industry and build your OWN network, She can help.

Personal Website


Interview with We Rule