If a person develops symptoms of tremor, slow movements, and stiffness, it could be early signs of Parkinson’s disease (PD) but it may also be the beginnings of any of a group of conditions known by the general term “parkinsonism,” conditions that have some symptoms in common with PD but differ in important ways. Also called atypical Parkinson’s disease or Parkinson’s plus, they tend to progress faster, and they may or may not respond to levodopa, and possibly only show modest benefit. While Parkinson’s disease represents 85-90% of all cases of parkinsonism, a definitive diagnosis for atypical parkinsonism may never be made while the person is alive. Licensed Clinical Social Worker Paula Wiener, a Senior Parkinson’s Information Specialist with the Parkinson’s Foundation, describes the difference between Parkinson’s disease and parkinsonism and gives some examples of Parkinson’s plus. As with PD, exercise is highly recommended for these atypical parkinsonian syndromes.