Welcome to the second episode of season two of Stump the Librarian! Join Courtnei and Emily, with a little help from Jill, as they tackle three questions in this episode. What causes earthquakes? Why do we get dizzy when we spin? Do kangaroos have belly buttons? We would love to answer your questions too! Email us at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you!  

Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast via stumpthelibrarian.podbean.com/ or wherever you get your podcasts, so you never miss an episode! While you are waiting for the next episode, check out season 1 of Stump the Librarian or submit a question of your own at kdl.org/stump. 

Interested in learning and exploring more about this episode's curious questions?  You can always use any of the databases KDL has to offer with your library card. Just go to kdl.org/online-resources/ to find the best database for more information on the answer to your question. And don’t forget the books! Our catalog is full of amazing books that are filled with fascinating information. Just visit kdl.bibliocommons.com/ to search for your next great nonfiction (or fiction) read!  


Concerning episode book recommendations... 

Out of My Heart by Sharon Draper 

Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper 


Concerning the Earthquakes... 


Earthquake Science, and the Disaster That Created It 

What Causes Earthquakes? 

The Plate Tectonics Revolution: Crash Course Geography #19 


Concerning Spinning... 



Why Do We Get Dizzy? 


Concerning Belly Buttons... 


