On this edition of ST, we learn about how homeowners in the Greater Tulsa area can take simple steps -- in both their lawncare and their gardening practices -- to improve and preserve the quality of our local water, land, and ecology. The Yard By Yard Community Resiliency Project is an initiative of the Oklahoma Conservation Commission; the project started in OKC and is now happening in Tulsa. As noted at the Tulsa County Conservation District website : "Urban citizens do not always realize what a big difference they can make in our communities with the addition of even a few 'earth friendly' practices. Through our Yard By Yard Community Resiliency Project, you will find not only support to do the right things for your yard and community, but also recognition for your efforts and the chance to encourage others. Whole neighborhoods coming together for the greater good can absolutely add strength, health, and resilience to our city." Our guest is Cheryl Cheadle, a volunteer coordinator