On today's ST, we are discussing a new book on race relations and American history that offers a bold, thorough, and eye-opening critique of our nation's criminal justice apparatus, its police operations, and indeed its entire legal system. Our guest is the well-regarded historian Elizabeth Hinton, who is an associate professor of history and African American studies at Yale University as well as a professor of law at Yale Law School. Her book is "America on Fire: The Untold History of Police Violence and Black Rebellion Since the 1960s." Per a front-page review of this work in The New York Times Book Review: "[A] groundbreaking, deeply researched, and profoundly heart-rending account of the origins of our national crisis of police violence against Black America.... 'America on Fire' is more than a brilliant guided tour through our nation's morally ruinous past. It reveals the deep roots of the current movement to reject a system of law enforcement that defines as the problem the very