Welcome to Part Two of Hook! We're finally jumping into Neverland, everybody! We meet Hook! Smee! Ruffio! ...Some kids! The writing has quite possibly gotten worse, guys. All the lost boys speak like dis. Dey luv to mayke uz werk ta reeed dis goddamma uv uh sdoray!

Robin Williams has finally met his match though, as Hook makes his fashionable, swishy debut! I can't wait for you to hear this guys, I'm actually getting swept away in the magic!

And don't forget to share Will and Bobby Know Everything, Studio Rejects, or Book Club Shmook Club with your friends! This week we're giving away Chinese Goodfellas as part of our Baker's-Dozen Days of Bobby contest! To submit your name for the drawing, just share any of the shows today!

We would also LOVE it if you would throw us a vote for Podcast of the Month over on Podcastland.com! You can vote for ALL the shows if you want: Studio RejectsBook Club Shmook Club, and Will and Bobby Know Everything!

Please head to WillAndBobby.com to find links to different shows, Facebook, etc. and please FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @WillRogers2000 and @BobbyKoester!

Part Three next week!