This week’s guest is a Canadian educator, parent, and coach, residing in Fukuoka, Japan.

During a rich career in education spanning four decades, she has been dedicated to empowering children, parents and teachers to be their best and do their best.  

A self-confessed nomad, she has experienced a variety of countries and cultures, both as a teacher and a school leader, and her perspective of the critical role parents play in the life of a child has deeply impacted her mission. 

She has been on a mission for almost 25 years to understand and then share with others the emotional world of boys, and the pressures society places on them. The discord between what expectations are and how boys really feel often results in them shutting down their true self and resorting to misbehaviour, rebellion or depression. 

In the last two years she has created a business (, published five on-line courses, established an online community for parents raising boys (The Sonhood Society Membership), published a book and is co-authoring another, and has used social media to share her knowledge of boys (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube).   

Where to find Kathryne Imabayashi